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ICRS 2022

international Colorectal Research Summit (iCRS) 2022
ÀÏ ½Ã: September 2(Fri) - 4(Sun), 2022, Àå ¼Ò: Grand Walkerhill Seoul, Korea

September 2, 2022

08:30-10:10 [CBL1] Laparoscopic or Robotic Surgery Basic Skills
Organizer : Bong Hyeon KYE (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
Chairs: Hyeong-Rok KIM (Chonnam National University, Korea), Byung Chun KIM (Hallym University, Korea)
08:30-08:50 Right Hemicolectomy with Intracorporeal Anastomosis Byung Soh MIN Yonsei University, Korea
08:50-09:10 Transverse Colectomy with Splenic Flexure Mobilization Songsoo YANG University of Ulsan, Korea
09:10-09:30 Abdominoperineal Resection: How Is It done? Takeru MATSUDA Kobe University, Japan
09:30-09:50 Single-Port Laparoscopic Solo Surgery Byung-Jo CHOI The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
09:50-10:10 Panel Discussion ¡¡ ¡¡
08:30-10:10 [CBL2] [KOR] Surgical Anatomy of the Colon, Rectum and Anus
Organizer : Sung ll KANG (Yeungnam University, Korea)
Chairs: Eung Jin SHIN (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Yong Beom CHO (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)
08:30-08:50 Embryologic Plane for CME and TME, What is the Same and What is the Different? Taek-Gu LEE Chungbuk National University, Korea
08:50-09:10 Lymph Node Drainage Pattern: Focusing a Clue of Node Dissection Extent Jong Lyul LEE University of Ulsan, Korea
09:10-09:30 Autonomic Nerve of Colon, Rectum and Anus Sun Jin PARK Kyung Hee University, Korea
09:30-09:50 Redefining Collateral System and Circulation Heung-Kwon OH Seoul National University, Korea
09:50-10:10 Surgical Microanatomy for CME and TME Hyuk HUR Yonsei University, Korea
10:40-12:20 [CBL3] TAMIS & TaTME Basic Skills
Organizer : Gyoung Tae NOH (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
Chairs: In Kyu LEE (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea), Jurriaan TUYNMAN (Amsterdam University Medical Center, Netherlands)
10:40-11:00 TAMIS: Indication and Real Experiences Antonio M. LACY University of Barcelona, Spain
11:00-11:20 Surgical Anatomy for TaTME, What Plane am I in? Sung Chan PARK National Cancer Center, Korea
11:20-11:40 Laparoscopic vs. Transanal TME Simon NG The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong-Kong
11:40-12:00 Oncological and Functional Outcomes after TaTME: Critical Issues Stein Gunnar LARSEN Oslo University Hospital, Norway
12:00-12:20 Panel Discussion ¡¡ ¡¡
10:40-12:20 [CBL4] [KOR] Colonoscopic Management New Standard
Organizer : Jae-Won SHIN (Daehang Hospital, Korea)
Chairs: Kyung Su HAN (National Cancer Center, Korea), Eun-Jung LEE (Daehang Hospital, Korea)
10:40-11:00 Principle of Insertion and Examination Jieyoung LEE Daehang Hospital, Korea
11:00-11:20 EMR and ESD : Principles and Pearls of Polyp Resection Won Youn KIM Chinjujeil Hospital, Korea
11:20-11:40 New Techniques and Instruments : Recent Update on Colonoscopic Management Dae Kyung SOHN National Cancer Center, Korea
11:40-12:00 NBI and Magnifying Chromoendoscopy : Future Direction of Endoscopic Diagnosis Eun Sun KIM Korea Univerisity, Korea
12:00-12:20 Panel Discussion ¡¡ ¡¡
12:20-13:20 Luncheon Symposium 1 (Sponsored by Medtronic)
Chairs: Sung-Bum KANG (Seoul National University, Korea)
12:20-13:20 Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Anastomosis: Tips and Tricks Byung Soh MIN Yonsei University, Korea
12:20-13:20 Luncheon Symposium 2 (Sponsored by Sanofi)
Chairs: Moon Jun BAEK (Soonchunhyang University, Korea)
12:20-13:20 Optimal 1st Line Treatment in Terms of Personalized Approach Taek-Gu LEE Chungbuk National University, Korea
13:20-17:10 [KSCP BIG SESSION 1] TME with Intersphincteric Resection
Organizer : Jun Seok PARK (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
Chairs: Nam Kyu KIM (Yonsei University, Korea), Hee Cheol KIM (Samsung Medical Center, Korea)
13:20-13:40 3D Laparoscopic TME is Better Than Robot Duck-Woo KIM Seoul National University, Korea
13:40-14:00 Japanese Style Robot Radical TME in advanced Rectal Cancer Takashi AKIYOSHI Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Japan
14:00-14:20 Long-term Outcomes of TaTME Peter, Chien-Chih CHEN Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, Taiwan
14:20-14:30 Coffee Break ¡¡ ¡¡
14:30-16:45 Laparoscopic Transabdominal TME with Intersphincteric Resection (Live Surgery) Jin KIM Korea University, Korea
14:30-16:45 Robot Transabdominal TME with Intersphincteric Resection Yoon Suk LEE The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
14:30-16:45 Transanal TME with Intersphicteric Resection Jurriaan TUYNMAN Amsterdam University Medical Center, Netherlands
16:45-17:00 Case Presentation Jun Seok PARK Kyungpook National University, Korea
16:45-17:00 Panel Discussion
13:20-15:00 [CBL5] [KOR] Management of mCRC: Beyond the 1st Line
Organizer : Kyung-ha LEE (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Chairs: Hyeon-Min CHO (The Catholic University of Korea, Korea), Seong-Kyu BAEK (Keimyung University, Korea)
13:20-13:40 Management for Local Recurrence of M0 Rectal Cancer (Inoperable) Chang Woo KIM Ajou University, Korea
13:40-14:00 Optimal Therapeutic Strategies after Failure of Radical Treatment for mCRC Hyung Jin KIM The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
14:00-14:20 Palliative Resection while Palliative Chemotherapy Soo Yeun PARK Kyungpook National University, Korea
14:20-14:40 From “Conversion Therapy” to “Best Supportive Care”: Standard Course of Palliative Chemotherapy Woong Bae JI Korea University, Korea
14:40-15:00 Future of Treatment of mCRC: Imagine 100 Years Later Yoon Dae HAN Yonsei University, Korea
15:30-17:10 [CBL6] [KOR] Management of Benign Anal Diseases
Organizer : Han Deok KWAK (Chonnam National University, Korea)
Chairs: Jae Kyun JU (Chonnam National University, Korea), Woo Jung NAM (Seoul Song Do Hospital, Korea)
15:30-15:50 Obstructed Defecation: Management for Anatomic Defects Seung Jae ROH Konyang University, Korea
15:50-16:10 Obstructed Defecation: Management for Functional Etiology Dong Hyun KIM Gastroenterology, Chonnam National University, Korea
16:10-16:30 Fecal Incontinence: Medical Management Je-Ho JANG Eulji University, Korea
16:30-16:50 Fecal Incontinence: Surgical Management Hyeonseok JEONG Busan Hangun Hospital, Korea
16:50-17:10 Treatment of Anal Fissure : Song Do Classification & Minimal Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy Keehoon HYUN Seoul Songdo Hospital, Korea
15:30-17:10 Gold Ribbon Campaign